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I've recently started eating at a new Indian restaurant on a regular basis. And I've been telling all my friends how much I like it there.

Just this past weekend I took some friends there to a buffet evening along with my wife and had another very good time. Afterwards they told me that although they enjoyed it, the food could've been better. It wasn't until they said that, that I realised it was true. I mean, it wasn't bad but it wasn't exceptional. Why then did I enjoy it there so much?

It's because people will ultimately choose to do business with people they LIKE.

It's been said that "People will forget what you say. People will forget what you do. But people will never forget how you make them feel."

And that's what it was. The service was so friendly and the staff so nice that I loved it there! They really appreciated us as customers. It was a great EXPERIENCE. I liked them because of how they made me feel. And because I liked them, I wanted to do business with them again.

Isn't it interesting that how I felt more than made up for any shortfall in the quality of the food?

So the key to success it would seem is to be likeable by making your customers feel good.

And everybody likes someone who appreciates them. It makes relationships stronger. So how can you make that happen?

Two of most powerful words in the English language are "Thank You". Saying thank you shows that you appreciate the other person and has the influence to create loyalty. It makes them feel good and it makes them like you. That in turn makes them want to do business with you again.

I clearly remember buying my first mobile phone over twenty-five years ago. The salesman who came to my house concluded by genuinely thanking me for the business. I still remember it. I remember exactly where I was and how I felt.

So what is the formula for carpet cleaning success?

Well, it's the exact opposite of what is the norm in the carpet cleaning industry. Most cleaners focus on cleaning methods or psi or inches of mercury.

But to be successful... you're really in the business of ethically manipulating feelings. So charge more so that you can afford to give exceptional service. Make sure that you really serve your customers' needs and make them feel good. Then use that extra profit to increase your customers experience by sending Thank You cards and by keeping in regular contact with newsletters and the like. Show them that you really value and appreciate their custom. They will reciprocate by liking you and giving you their business.

In other words, concentrate not so much on the cleaning but on how you make your customers FEEL.