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So here are the three reasons why every carpet cleaner should be sending a monthly newsletter to their customers:

1: Newsletters help you retain your clients.

2: Newsletters help with referrals.

3: Newsletters help build your brand.

Now, what should we put in the newsletter that’s going to achieve these goals?

The first thing we want to do is to actually get our newsletter read or at least welcomed by our customers.

That means write it with your customers in mind. In other words, write what they will enjoy reading, not what you want to write. The best content I’ve found over the past 15 years is a balance of content that informs, educates, and entertains! If your customers feel entertained and enjoy reading your newsletter, they'll look forward to it, issue after issue. And what happens if your customers read your newsletter issue after issue? You'll build credibility, increase your reputation as an expert in your industry and increase brand awareness.

Your customers will remember you, will do business with you again, and will refer others to you as well. Newsletters should be written in a conversational tone and you should avoid the use of technical jargon. Customers have no interest in psi or water temperature at the cleaning wand. In addition, make your newsletter fun to read by including trivia, maybe some humour (being careful not to include anything offensive), and general interest articles about health, home, and life issues and some leadership or management tips.

So what specifically can you put in your newsletter? Here are some of the things I’ve used:

Information About Your Other Services

Many of your customers will not know that as well as carpet cleaning you also clean upholstery…or hard floors…or curtains. How many times have you heard a client say “I didn't know you did that" These are all missed opportunities to increase your revenue without the heavy cost of acquiring a new customer.

Education About What's New In The Industry

Have you recently upgraded to a truck-mount that can mean a quicker job or faster drying times? Have you bought turbo-dryers that can leave their carpets dryer? Or a new, better stain remover? Don’t forget, your customers are not interested in your machinery or chemicals…only what these new things can do for THEM. Newsletters are a great way to educate customers and also position you as the expert who is abreast of industry innovations. People like to do business with a ‘leader in the field’.

General Interest Articles About Health, Home and Life Issues

The majority of my customers are women who are interested in health and beauty matters. I often include humorous pet stories that will appeal to them and have been very surprised that these are the type of articles most passed along to friends. Other topics include gardening, cooking, trivia and things to do with the home.

Carpet Cleaning Matters?

A little. Occasionally I’ve put articles about cleaning that will directly benefit my customers and position me as the expert. Like “Should You Replace Your Carpets With Hard Floors”, “How to Remove a Heavy Spillage From Your Carpet” or What Should You Look For When Replacing Your Vacuum Cleaner”. But these are few and far between.

Don’t forget…it's not about you. Customers are only interested in ‘what’s in it for them’. Inform, educate and entertain them, and they will look forward to your newsletter.